Case 2: Atypical Tumor / Rhabdoid Tumor
A rare form of Brain cancer typically occurs in children. Survival is very moderate for below 3 years of age at diagnosis. There is specific deletioin of INI1 gene which can be a confirmatory test apart from routine tests.
Ms. Diti, was 2 years 10 months at the time of diagnosis. She presented with signs & symptoms like vomiting, head ache moderate initially became real serious as the time passed. She lost conciousness few times. Eyes lost sterio vision. After several months of agony with therapy for various diseases finally it was confirmed that it was ATRT in Jan 2013. It was such emergency, informal hand written MRI report was taken personally for decompression surgery conducted on next day itself. She recovered well from surgery to receive radiation therapy forllowed by Chemotherapy. Family of the child apprached for nutritional therapy in the month of June 2014 during early chemotherapy days.
Survival below three years of age: 11%
At the outset she was doing OK, but with no guarantee of survival as they know it was Aggressive Cancer and metastasis to the spinal cord proceeded during therapy. Deterioration was progressing, with many signs, including bone marrow depression.
As the client is hardly 3 years old, it wasn't easy to administer not so good tasting herbal extracts. It is at this time we introduced Chocolate Therapy, incorporating high cocoa contents with low sugar and herbal ingredients. It was accepted very well that child was asking for more chocolates.
She has been put on loading therapy for a month and then moderated subsequently. But during chemo, the doses were modulated to provide extra protection. With the support of Nutritional powered therapy, she sailed smoothly without any adverse reactions. She continues to attend school comfortably with full energy. She has not sent back for all further Chemotherapy sessions as she was protected from adverse effects. She suffered no infections, which were common during chemotherapy. Her hemoglobin didn't deteriorate further, but rather slowly improved by 10 - 15%. With in 3 months after initiation of our therapy, in Aug 2013 oncologists concluded to stop the chemo as the child is doing very well. But cautiously retained the chemo port. In Feb 2014 based on MRI dated 01-02-2014, Oncologists were of the opinion that she may not require any more chemotherapy (which is generally expected as the aggressive cancer suppose to regrow). Contrary to the expectations, even the remaining tumour was also resolved and not detected in contrast MRI. Thus, the chemo port which was retained for further therapy has been removed, making the child completely free of hassles with normal child feeling.
She is doing very well even in March 2014 and her sight seems to be improving, indicating rewiring of Neurons. Diffused Cerebellar Atrophy, which has been observed in Feb MRI, we hope would be regenerated by next MRI scheduled after 6 months.
Therapy is continued even now since from June 2013 and expected to continue till next MRI.