Uterus Cancer Metastatic, Palliative Care
A 66 year old patient got treated in previous years for Uterus Endometrial Cancer. After months, the cancer recurred with metastasis to Liver, Peritoneum, Lymph Nodes, Colon & Pelvis parts. As it was relapse and metastatic it was concluded that it is end and not possible to regress again. The case was categorized as palliative and palliative Chemo therapy was proposed.
This was the time her family was desperately looking for alternate options to provide a possible relief and save the beloved mother.
After brief review, the Nutrition Therapy (NT) was provided with maximum protection. After the initiation of NT 1 week, the chemo was continued. The recent copy of CT Scan can be seen below.
Results as on Dec 2016: The regression was remarkable up to 50% in most places. Overall improvement was seen with the rise of energy levels. Became more independent and self reliance. The wound healing rates improved. Required less support from family members.
Reduced chemo side effects
No Strain, No Vomiting sensation
No hair fall after initiation of Nutrition therapy
Improved Sleep